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New Year Time Capsule: Craft & Creativity Day Out by Karina

Beautiful craft stations will be set up in the Pavilion. Reflect on the year past and cast a creative vision for the year ahead. Write a note, make a keepsake, and bring something special, to be kept in your own handmade secret time capsule to bring home. Paint and plant a pot and outdoor play to be included also. Picnic with the team at the Red Grove Deck with some in-house pizzas. Participants are also welcome to bring their own picnic lunch from home.

· 9 Jan 2021
· 10am - 2pm
· limited to 10 Spice Fam members only
· ages 7 upward only

10.00am - Craft Stations for Time Capsules
11.30am - Plant & Paint a Pot
12.15pm - Make Your Pizzas
1.00pm - Picnic & Play

Register your spot here. For more information, kindly contact Karina at 012 391 5256.

January 8

Cooking Class: Malaysian Nasi Lemak with Chicken Rendang & Jemput- Jemput

January 9

Cooking Class: Chicken Lobak & Kerabu Bihun