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A creative green way to encourage your child's imagination. Spend an hour exploring our children's patch and learn about gardening and plants. Bring home your very own created fairy garden pot!
儿童种植活动 短短一小时,给孩子们无限想象及美好体验!孩子们将学习园艺知识及亲手制作小盆栽。赶紧把它带回家!
Saturday, 7th November
9.30am - 12.30pm
1 hr 30 minutes/session 每个环节1小时30分钟。
max 5 kids/session 每个环节只限5位小朋友。
for kids aged 4 - 12
Spice Fam: FREE | non-SF: RM10/child
To book your spot, kindly fill in the form here.